Problem with tmm1's amqp and mechanize


I have standalone Ruby application that subscribes for messages AMQP
queue (RabbitMQ). It’s supposed to visit some site when message is
received. Everything works ok with Ruby’s standard http client.
However when I just put
require ‘mechanize’
in the file then
AMQP.start do
does not get blocked on this line. Everything just stops working after
putting require for mechanize.

Any ideas are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

           require 'mechanize'

in the file then
AMQP.start do
does not get blocked on this line. Everything just stops working after
putting require for mechanize.

it blocks within the call to require ‘mechanize’?
you could use tracer to see where it is at.
You could also try beanstalk as a messaging queue.

On Jan 20, 1:16 am, Roger P. [email protected] wrote:

Posted via

It does not block and this is the problem.
I have something like this:

AMQP.start do
log(“Creating message queue object”)
amq =
amq.queue(QUEUES[queue_name]).subscribe { }

Everything works ok until I just add require ‘mechanize’ in the first
line of the file. I do not see “Creating message queue object” message