Problem with trackbacks

Hey guys,

I have some small problems with the trackbacks generated by my own site
on my own site. Weirdly the address to trackback from has one
supplementary “http://:” .
You can check it here:
in the trackbacks .

Moreover, as you can see, Markdown is not interpreted in the trackback,
therefore that makes ugly trackbacks.

Is it only on my blog ?

I run Typo 5.2 (stable).

And about trackbacks do they work well on external sites? I have not
really tested them recently but some time ago it looked like they were
not working that well. But maybe it was only me not knowing that much
how to use them. Do you use them, can you confirm they are working well?


Harry S. a écrit :

therefore that makes ugly trackbacks.

I change some route about trackback. Can you test your data with master
typo version ?

Cyril M.

Cyril M. wrote:

Harry S. a �crit :

therefore that makes ugly trackbacks.

I change some route about trackback. Can you test your data with master
typo version ?

Cyril M.

Sure, I will do it today if I get enough time else I’ll test it this

Thx Cyril

I updated to My dev version to edge and I have some difficulties:
I obtain this error when clicking on an article from the home page:
Looks like there were changes in the routing to comments? I will need to
update my theme.

Showing themes/thinkosphere_theme/views/articles/_comment_form.html.erb
where line #1 raised:

undefined method `comments_path’ for #ActionView::Base:0x7ff915666168

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: <% form_remote_tag :url => comments_path(@article),
2: :position => :bottom,
3: :update => {:success => ‘commentList’},
4: :loading => “loading()”,

Trace of template inclusion:

config/initializers/benchmark_hacks.rb:4:in realtime' themes/thinkosphere_theme/views/articles/read.html.erb:61 config/initializers/benchmark_hacks.rb:4:inrealtime’
app/controllers/redirect_controller.rb:98:in show_article' app/controllers/redirect_controller.rb:97:inshow_article’
app/controllers/redirect_controller.rb:43:in redirect' -e:2:inload’

To correct my problem I replaced in _comment_form.html the calls to
xx_path by @article.comment_url and @article.preview_comment_url.

For the trackbacks, can they be tested in development? Because I create
a post with test and I
see nothing in this article 21.

2 instances?
What about the online blog, it cannot either send a trackback to itself?


Matijs Van zuijlen wrote:

Harry S. wrote:

For the trackbacks, can they be tested in development? Because I create
a post with test and I
see nothing in this article 21.

If you’re just running one instance (i.e., you started typo by running
./script/server), it won’t work: You need one instance of typo sending
the trackback, and one recieving it.

Once upon a time, the trackbacks and pingbacks were sent in a separate
thread to overcome this problem, but it was difficult to get right
because Rails was not thread-safe, so this was removed.

On my own blog, I’ve been using a modified typo that still uses a
separate thread, but I recently discovered it was broken. I fixed it,
but it needs further testing. I’ll see if I can upload this one of these


Harry S. wrote:

For the trackbacks, can they be tested in development? Because I create
a post with test and I
see nothing in this article 21.

If you’re just running one instance (i.e., you started typo by running
./script/server), it won’t work: You need one instance of typo sending
the trackback, and one recieving it.

Once upon a time, the trackbacks and pingbacks were sent in a separate
thread to overcome this problem, but it was difficult to get right
because Rails was not thread-safe, so this was removed.

On my own blog, I’ve been using a modified typo that still uses a
separate thread, but I recently discovered it was broken. I fixed it,
but it needs further testing. I’ll see if I can upload this one of these


I am now running on edge in production. The old trackbacks url have not
changed. I have not tested yet a new trackback.

Harry S. wrote:

I am now running on edge in production. The old trackbacks url have not
changed. I have not tested yet a new trackback.

Have you sweep cache ?

In edge, the cache management is little broken. I fixed next week. I
prepare RailsCamp this week.

Cyril M.


I just swept the cache and it is the same.


Cyril M. wrote:

Harry S. wrote:

I am now running on edge in production. The old trackbacks url have not
changed. I have not tested yet a new trackback.

Have you sweep cache ?

In edge, the cache management is little broken. I fixed next week. I
prepare RailsCamp this week.

Cyril M.

Harry S. wrote:


I just swept the cache and it is the same.

I see trackback_url like

it’s the new format.

I test a trackback and it’s seems works :

!1! [shingara@cube ~] % curl -d url= -d
title=‘trackback_test’ -d blog_name=‘shingara’ -d excerpt=‘Good news and
caching fixed’

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 0

Cyril M.

Indeed, I was speaking about the old trackbacks. The new ones have the
good url but they do not execute Markdown.
Btw, when using the search (and pressing enter) the list of posts does
not execute Markdown either.


Cyril M. wrote:

Harry S. wrote:


I just swept the cache and it is the same.

I see trackback_url like

it’s the new format.

I test a trackback and it’s seems works :

!1! [shingara@cube ~] % curl -d url= -d
title=‘trackback_test’ -d blog_name=‘shingara’ -d excerpt=‘Good news and
caching fixed’

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 0

Cyril M.

Harry S. wrote:

Indeed, I was speaking about the old trackbacks.
Old trackback doesn’t works now. But in fact, you need trackback link
just first time.
The new ones have the
good url but they do not execute Markdown.
Btw, when using the search (and pressing enter) the list of posts does
not execute Markdown either.

I don’t understand your problem.

Cyril M.

If you go to this post for instance,
you go to the first trackback you will see "Organized by Ruby
and Sun
, " The [] are there because Markdown
is not parsed. I would like it to be parsed in the trackbacks (or that
the trackbacks to be sent parsed, that is in html and not in text).
Makes sense?


Harry S. wrote:

If you go to this post for instance,
you go to the first trackback you will see "Organized by Ruby
and Sun
, " The [] are there because Markdown
is not parsed. I would like it to be parsed in the trackbacks (or that
the trackbacks to be sent parsed, that is in html and not in text).
Makes sense?

Ok, I understand. We made an error when we ping some URL. We don’t
transform. We need transform before send trackback. Because if you
trackback another blog engine, this can’t transform markdown. So we need
transform before.

If you want transform this trackback in your intance you need update
your data. All trackabck can’t be transform after receive. Because We
don’t know how filter is use.

Cyril M.

Harry S. wrote:

If you go to this post for instance,
you go to the first trackback you will see "Organized by Ruby
and Sun
, " The [] are there because Markdown
is not parsed. I would like it to be parsed in the trackbacks (or that
the trackbacks to be sent parsed, that is in html and not in text).
Makes sense?

A ticket is create about this issue.

Cyril M.

Harry S. wrote:

If you go to this post for instance,
you go to the first trackback you will see "Organized by Ruby
and Sun
, " The [] are there because Markdown
is not parsed. I would like it to be parsed in the trackbacks (or that
the trackbacks to be sent parsed, that is in html and not in text).
Makes sense?

it’s fixed :

Cyril M.