hello folks!!
i am very interested in working on RoR, so what i did was to get
started on this framework. So what i did was to get hold of some
tutorials…ok let me come to the point
- first and foremost i created 3 databases: contact_development,
contact_production, contact_test. In each of these databases i created
a table called “people”. in each of these tables i entered 2 record
2.Then i went to c:/ruby and typed this command: rails -d mysql
contact - Next what i did is typed this command: ruby script/generate
scaffold Person - then this command: ruby script/server
- now, when i browse to this url: http://localhost:3000/people, it
shows me the listing for the 2 records, however the actual values do
not display, what i mean to say is that there r 2 rows each with show,
edit, destroy links but not the values from the DB against them…
also in the edit and the add pages i do not get the corresponding
text boxes…however all the other buttons like “back” submit" are
there…also if i explicitly make changes in the view files then the
text boxes appear and the values get submitted to the db
please can anyone tell me what mistake i might have made, due to
which this problem occurs? i shall be really grateful to u guys…