Problems with RJS & Ajax

I try to create an “onKeypress” event handler for a form but nothing

I have already studied the reference books on Ajax, but that didn’t
Can someone explain me how todo this?

These are the code-snippets:

  1. application.js

var GridControlTracker = {}
GridControlTracker = {
gridEventHandler: function(element, value) {
alert('Key Pressed / element: '+;

  1. show.rhtml

<%= observe_form “grid-form”,
:frequency => 0,
:function =>
:on => “keypress” %>

this generates this javascript in the page:

These are the questions that I have:

  1. Only the and new input-characters are triggered.
    But I would like to trigger the navigation buttons (left, right,
    up, down, home …)
  2. I can’t find the way to work with the event object. It must be
    instantiated, but how can I work with it?
  3. I don’t see the usage of observe_form with the function option
    (instead of URL) in code examples. Is this the correct way? I want
    to filter the events that I want to handle and than go to the server
    for the selected events. Is this the only way to do this?

thanks and sjamayee!