long ago i recall a library the collected process usage, memory and
such, in a platform independent way (at least across unices). does
anyone else recall this lib?
long ago i recall a library the collected process usage, memory and
such, in a platform independent way (at least across unices). does
anyone else recall this lib?
On Sep 27, 5:42 pm, “ara.t.howard” [email protected] wrote:
long ago i recall a library the collected process usage, memory and
such, in a platform independent way (at least across unices). does
anyone else recall this lib?link?
gem install sys-proctable
Works on MS Windows, too.
On Sep 27, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Daniel B. wrote:
gem install sys-proctable
Works on MS Windows, too.
thanks a million dan!
On Sep 27, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Daniel B. wrote:
irb(main):005:0> ProcTable.ps(Process.pid)
=> #<struct Struct::ProcTableStruct pid=13848, ppid=22238,
pgid=13848, ruid=501, rgid=501, comm=“ruby”, state=“run”, pctcpu=0.0,
cpu_num=nil, tty_num=67108877, tty_dev=“ttypd”, wchan=“”, time=0,
priority=24, usr_priority=0, nice=0, cmdline=“”, start_time=Fri Sep
28 11:19:38 -0600 2007, max_rss=nil, ix_rss=nil, id_rss=nil,
is_rss=nil, minflt=nil, maxflt=nil, nswap=nil, inblock=nil,
oublock=nil, msgsnd=nil, msgrcv=nil, nsignals=nil, nvcsw=nil,
nivcsw=nil, user_time=nil, system_time=nil>
nothing memory-ish looking in there is there? i’m on darwin - no rss
support there?
On Sep 28, 2007, at 10:22 , ara.t.howard wrote:
pctcpu=0.0, cpu_num=nil, tty_num=67108877, tty_dev=“ttypd”,
wchan="", time=0, priority=24, usr_priority=0, nice=0, cmdline="",
start_time=Fri Sep 28 11:19:38 -0600 2007, max_rss=nil, ix_rss=nil,
id_rss=nil, is_rss=nil, minflt=nil, maxflt=nil, nswap=nil,
inblock=nil, oublock=nil, msgsnd=nil, msgrcv=nil, nsignals=nil,
nvcsw=nil, nivcsw=nil, user_time=nil, system_time=nil>nothing memory-ish looking in there is there? i’m on darwin - no
rss support there?
Yes, they left a bunch of that stuff out, or don’t supply it via the
BSD-ish interfaces they’ve got.
Also, some limits you set will have no effect, notably the various
memory size ones.
On Sep 28, 2007, at 2:05 PM, Eric H. wrote:
Yes, they left a bunch of that stuff out, or don’t supply it via
the BSD-ish interfaces they’ve got.Also, some limits you set will have no effect, notably the various
memory size ones.
good to know. now i’m using this, which uses the same shell over and
over rather than starting a new one:
cfp:~ > cat a.rb
require ‘session’ # gem install session
module Process
def self.size pid = Process.pid
@sh = Session.new
@sh.execute “ps wwwaux -p #{ pid }”, :stdout => stdout=[]
vsize, rsize = stdout.last.split(%r/\s+/)[4,2]
p Process.size
cfp:~ > ruby a.rb
[“31052”, “3388”]
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