Profiles (confusion about :signup)

I’ve been scouring the code (Typo 5.1.2) and trying to find the intent
for the accounts/signup feature (other that setting the first user as
administrator). The default profile is set to “contributor” in user.rb
model and I see how the profile.modules seem to work. However, whenever
I test a new additional user “signup” I am presented with the login
screen after I have successfully “signed up”. Then, the login does not
work, the system keeps rendering a new login screen and the new user is
unable to do anything other than go back to the general typo blog viewer
via the link “Back to Your Blog” (or whatever the link says at the
bottom of the login screen.

Is this the appropriate behavior or is this portion not yet finished? I
want contributors to be able to submit “draft” articles so I can review
and then use my administrator rights to edit and publish/approve their

Any help is greatly appreciated!


de Villamil Frédéric wrote:

Le 9 ao�t 08 � 22:41, Tim Prentis a �crit :


Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hi Tim,

contributors do not have publishing rights, only access to :
� Dashboard
� Their profile
� Their comments (as far as I remember)

The idea behind contributors is to allow people to register, edit
their profile and comment when logged in. Further functionnalities
will come later, including :
� per user page displaying your content.
� more detailed profile page

Having people who can only publish drafts is an interesting feature I
may add someday. For now I also plan to allow admin to set up the
modules accessible by the different roles, but this will only
avaliable… later, when I have time.


Fr�d�ric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337 Typo :


Thanks for the reply. I did finally get the system modified so users
can sign up and submit draft posts. I have a site running at

The link “How to Submit Seminars/Articles/White Papers” will take you to
the page that links to the Signup section. The site is still Under
Construction so there may be a few issues. I posted a reply on another
thread about the “Articles” feed (RSS) not functioning. Seems others
are having similar problems. Still trying to work that one out.

  • Tim

Le 9 août 08 à 22:41, Tim Prentis a écrit :


Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hi Tim,

contributors do not have publishing rights, only access to :
– Dashboard
– Their profile
– Their comments (as far as I remember)

The idea behind contributors is to allow people to register, edit
their profile and comment when logged in. Further functionnalities
will come later, including :
– per user page displaying your content.
– more detailed profile page

Having people who can only publish drafts is an interesting feature I
may add someday. For now I also plan to allow admin to set up the
modules accessible by the different roles, but this will only
avaliable… later, when I have time.


Frédéric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337 Typo :

de Villamil Frédéric wrote:

Le 9 ao�t 08 � 22:41, Tim Prentis a �crit :


Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hi Tim,

contributors do not have publishing rights, only access to :
� Dashboard
� Their profile
� Their comments (as far as I remember)

The idea behind contributors is to allow people to register, edit
their profile and comment when logged in. Further functionnalities
will come later, including :
� per user page displaying your content.
� more detailed profile page

Having people who can only publish drafts is an interesting feature I
may add someday. For now I also plan to allow admin to set up the
modules accessible by the different roles, but this will only
avaliable… later, when I have time.


Fr�d�ric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337 Typo :


I don’t mean to hijack this message but I am seeing the same issue. I am
new to typo so possibly a user error. When I create a user on 5.1.2 I
see that we have admin, contrib or publisher. When I try and set the
user as publisher then logout/in I go no where. If I click the link back
to blog I don’t see any option or feature to write content.

Is typo typically setup with a user as typo admin if they will be
writing articles, Please explain ?