I wanted to call out a fairly simple pattern that shows up in our
libraries that folks largely haven’t caught onto in the patches that
they’ve been submitting:
Wayne recently submitted a patch for exist? and exists? which fixes bug
[RubyMethod(“exist?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
[RubyMethod(“exists?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
public static bool Exists(object self/!/, MutableString/!/ path) {
return File.Exists(path.ToString()) ||
While this works fine, if you pass it legal arguments, it blows up when
the invariants are broken (eg path == null). You can see it blow up when
you run the specs for this method from the command line via:
rake spec file exist dox
To make this patch complete, you’ll need to add an overload that accepts
a nullable object parameter, and add a [NotNull] attribute to the
previous overload:
[RubyMethod(“exist?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
[RubyMethod(“exists?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
public static bool Exists(object self/!/, [NotNull]MutableString/!/
path) {
return File.Exists(path.ToString()) ||
[RubyMethod(“exist?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
[RubyMethod(“exists?”, RubyMethodAttributes.PublicSingleton)]
public static bool Exists(CodeContext/!/ context, object self/!/,
object path) {
return Exists(self, Protocols.CastToString(context, path));
Notice how the null case is taken care of by Protocols.CastToString().
It also will handle the case where the user passes a string that can
‘act like’ a string by implementing to_str. This is an extremely
common case in the Ruby libraries.
The [NotNull] attribute is used by the binder to ensure that a null is
never passed as a parameter to the first overload, but instead directs
the caller to the second overload. This is the case which correctly
handles null (and is also reflected by the fact that we are declaring
via comments that path is nullable eg missing the spec# bang).
Let me know if this isn’t clear or needs some further clarification.