I want to pass the following header to the backend server:
name: X-Original-URL
value: $scheme://$host$request_uri
but the concatenation of the values for the value above do not seem to
how can I do that?
Igal Sapir
Lucee Core Developer
Lucee.org http://lucee.org/
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 11:24:00PM -0700, Igal @ Lucee.org wrote:
Hi there,
I want to pass the following header to the backend server:
name: X-Original-URL
value: $scheme://$host$request_uri
but the concatenation of the values for the value above do not seem to work.
Why do you think it does not work?
how can I do that?
proxy_set_header X-Original-URL $scheme://$host$request_uri;
works for me.
Francis D. [email protected]