Put the list of posts in descending order

hi,i have a table called blogs which include
t.column :user_id, :integer
t.column :post_id, :integer
t.column:title, :string
t.column:body, :string

and i have a seperate form to fill the title and post field,i can
display the title and body in a page.but the records are displayed in
the ascending order,that means the last i last i entered is displayed
…but i want to display it in descending order,that mean the newly
record should display at the top of the page,please can anyone send me
the code to do this

thankx…il try

2008/11/4 Thorsten Müller [email protected]

the last i last i entered is displayed first
…but i want to display it in descending order,that mean the newly entered
record should display at the top of the page

Isn’t that the same? Last/newly entered display first?

anyway, in the examples replace DESC by ASC to revert order

if your model has a created_at column:
@blogs = Blog.find(:all, :order => “created_at DESC”)

if you don’t have the created_at col (you should), sort by id:
@blogs = Blog.find(:all, :order => “id DESC”)