Question about BasicTX

Dear All:

I want to use Basic TX to transmission signal by 100m distance.
But I can’t reach the distance.
Have any way to help it?

In hardware I added the gain booster (30dBm)
But I only got 5 m.

They be caused by hardware? or the software can help?

Thanks in advance.

Mei-Wen Li (Emily)
National Cheng-Kung University Dept. of
Computer Science and Information Engineering
[email protected]

The output power of Basic TX is about 0.5 mW, and it is too low for air
transmit. Your gain booster sounds just fine, and it should do the
trick. But can you tell what frequency you are trying to transmit and
does your booster operate on that frequency? Also, it would be good idea
to use /usrp_siggen/.py to generate sin-signal and measure the output
power of your booster. Note that /usrp_siggen/.py has amplitude (-A)
parameter that you should set to 32000 to get the maximum power output
from Basic TX.

What kind of antennas you have?


I am trying to transmit in 88~108MHz (FM bands)
I know it have license, but it just research in Vehicular Network.

What kind of antennas you have?

I just use car antenna, have better antenna for BasicTX?
Or have other way to add the gain/output power?

And I try /usrp_siggen/.py , It can’t work.

emily /usr/src/gnuradio-3.2.2/gr-utils/src/python
$ ./ -f 90M -a 32000
Using TX d’board A: Basic Tx

Have anything I missed ?

Thanks in advance.

Mei-Wen Li (Emily)
National Cheng-Kung University Dept. of
Computer Science and Information Engineering
[email protected]

to use /usrp_siggen/.py to generate sin-signal and measure the output

I want to use Basic TX to transmission signal by 100m distance.
*National Cheng-Kung University Dept. of *

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