Question about functional tests and log/test.log

Here’s something a bit weird:

After running functional tests, my test log contains many lines,
including many like these:

verified = ‘t’) LIMIT 1e[0m
Rendering layoutfalseactionlogin within layouts/application
Rendering user/login
Rendered user/_login_form (0.00581)
Completed in 0.03044 (32 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01101 (36%) | DB:
0.00777 (25%) | 200 OK [

Rendering layoutfalseactionlogin within layouts/application
Rendering user/login
Rendered user/_login_form (0.00249)
Completed in 0.00948 (105 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00599 (63%) |
DB: 0.00072 (7%) | 200 OK [

What is up with the URLs at the end of those lines?

These are both generated by this test:

 post :attempt_login, :user => { :email    => '[email protected]',
                                 :password => 'bogus' }

The second is generated by this test:

 post :attempt_login, { :user => { :email    => '[email protected]',
                                   :password => 'bogus' } }

Why is one test creating two entries?

Do those URLs mean anything? They appear to contain the POST parameters.
However, upon inspection, they’re both the same even though the POST
parameters are different!

And then there’s this:

Rendering layoutfalseactionlogin within layouts/application

What is going on there?

– Tom M.

Tom M. wrote:

Here’s something a bit weird:

What is up with the URLs at the end of those lines?

Why is one test creating two entries?

Do those URLs mean anything? They appear to contain the POST parameters.
However, upon inspection, they’re both the same even though the POST
parameters are different!

And then there’s this:

Rendering layoutfalseactionlogin within layouts/application

What is going on there?

– Tom M.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much, rails test logging isn’t entirely as
clean as it should be. My tests show incorrect query string on post
requests as well, but all the tests pass just fine. Your test.log looks
completely normal to me.

On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 13:25 +0200, Alex W. wrote:

However, upon inspection, they’re both the same even though the POST

I wouldn’t worry about it too much, rails test logging isn’t entirely as
clean as it should be. My tests show incorrect query string on post
requests as well, but all the tests pass just fine. Your test.log looks
completely normal to me.

Rendering layoutfalseactionlogin suggests an error to me.
