Question about html-pipeline

I am new to rails and new to this mailling list, if some thing I said
wrong, please forgive me and correct me

I am try to make our project support emotion (emoji), after a few
search, I
find html-pipeline (GitHub - gjtorikian/html-pipeline: HTML processing filters and utilities)

I can install it and use it in console(rails c and without require

but when I try to use it in my project, always fail with uninitialized
constant HTML::Pipeline( I try to use it in model, application_helper )
require ‘html/pipeline’ fail too

here is my question

  1. where should I place this kind of code (format some content,
    emotion, highline syntax etc)
  2. I see a cast about Redcarpet, it just place it in Gemfile and
    install and then can use directly, why can ‘html/pipeline’

thanks in advance

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 10:40 PM, William H.
removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

  1. where should I place this kind of code (format some content, markdown,
    emotion, highline syntax etc)
  2. I see a cast about Redcarpet, it just place it in Gemfile and bundle
    install and then can use directly, why can ‘html/pipeline’ (HTML::Pipeline)

gem “html-pipeline”, require: “html/pipeline”

Don’t place it in a group, place it at the bottom of the file so that
rails will Bundler.require it by default. After you do that bundle
and then it should work if it doesn’t there needs to be an actual
error (trace) sent.

thanks for you answer, it already out of any group, and I place it at
bottom still get error, maybe problem is not in installation (rails c
work) I place this code in my comment model (app/models/comment.rb)

def markdown
#require “html/pipeline”

filter ="Hi **world**!")


I got NameError - uninitialized constant HTML::Pipeline:
if I uncomment require line I got LoadError - cannot load such file –

I know I must make some stupid mistake, but just don’t know it

thanks all you help

the problem is that I need to restart my rails server :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks, merry christmas

On Dec 22, 2012, at 5:32 AM, William H. wrote:

I know I must make some stupid mistake, but just don’t know it

Try moving the require line off to a file that runs once at application
startup, maybe /config/application.rb. Watch your console as the
application starts, and see what you see then. The error acts like the
gem never loaded, so maybe requiring it that late (just before you need
it) is the issue.
