Question about installing rails with mongrel


I’ve decided to go with an Apache-Mongrel installation. But I have a
question. Following the instructions here –,
there is a step called “Configuring the cluster” in which they
instruct doing the following:

[workstation]$ mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e production \
-p 8000 \
-a \
-N 3 \
-c /path/to/your/capistrano/setup’s/current

What is "/path/to/your/capistrano/setup’s/current "? I installed
Capistrano via gem.

Thanks, - Dave

It is the path where you have the rails application.

[email protected] escribió:

-a \

Rafael Garcia Ortega

Mongrel switches to this directory before starting

Aníbal Rojas

On Feb 29, 11:39 am, “[email protected]