Question about require and pdf-writer

I am just begining with Ruby (decent overall programming background
though) and I’m looking to try out the pdf-writer ruby gem.

I read the guide from the pdf-writer author, Austin Z.
(artima - Creating Printable Documents with Ruby) and I’m having
a small problem which is I’m sure, indicative of my shallow
understanding of Ruby :slight_smile:

So here’s my problem:

I’d like to use the SimpleTable class, and in the article I was directed
to put:

require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

which makes sense, except i’m used rubygems to install pdf-writer and
that apparently changes the way I use require, namely:
require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘pdf-writer’

NOW:) I can’t figure out how to 'require" the SimpleTable class

I’m running OSX Tiger and I have my whole ruby and rails set up in
/usr/local (I followed the instructions in
Dan Benjamin)

Long setup to a simple question I know, but I like to cover everything

cheers and thanks in advance!

On 4/8/06, Andrew [email protected] wrote:

require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

which makes sense, except i’m used rubygems to install pdf-writer and
that apparently changes the way I use require, namely:

Not really. All you need to do is:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

That’s it.

You do not need require_gem at all; when you need the capabilities
offered by require_gem in the future, it will have been renamed to
something else (probably activate_gem or fix_gem or something like


Thank you very much, thatt worked AND I learned something!!!

Austin Z. wrote:

On 4/8/06, Andrew [email protected] wrote:

require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

which makes sense, except i’m used rubygems to install pdf-writer and
that apparently changes the way I use require, namely:

Not really. All you need to do is:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

That’s it.

You do not need require_gem at all; when you need the capabilities
offered by require_gem in the future, it will have been renamed to
something else (probably activate_gem or fix_gem or something like


Austin Z. wrote:

On 4/8/06, Andrew [email protected] wrote:

require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

which makes sense, except i’m used rubygems to install pdf-writer and
that apparently changes the way I use require, namely:

Not really. All you need to do is:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘pdf/writer’
require ‘pdf/simpletable’

That’s it.

You do not need require_gem at all; when you need the capabilities
offered by require_gem in the future, it will have been renamed to
something else (probably activate_gem or fix_gem or something like



im getting this error when i call the image function:

“undefined method `image’ for #PDF::Writer:0x364a930

these are my requires:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘pdf/writer’

checking on rdoc, the image function is in this → image

im on windows xp.
