I’m running into a problem I’ve had before with wxRuby where the GUI
does not update while my App is processing some set of data. The fix for
this I know is to put the data processing piece in a new thread and in
the Wx::App code make a timer to pass the threads. This has always
worked in the past, but now my problem is slightly more complex and I’m
at a loss.
Basically I am trying to put together a bunch of small reporting apps
I’ve made into one single application using tabs to separate them. I’ve
redesigned each of the other applications so that they each contain
their own panel class and controller class (for doing the processing)
then I have the main application which contains the Wx::App and
Wx::Notebook and the notebook simply adds pages using instances of the
panel classes I created. So the problem (I assume) is that I’m not
setting up the thread switching properly for use with a Wx::Notebook.
Here is the main app code:
— MultiTool.rb —
require ‘wx’
require ‘wx_sugar/all’
require ‘panels/all.rb’
class MainNB < Wx::Notebook
def initialize(parent, id)
super(parent, id, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE,
fpar_page = add_page(FPARPanel.new(self), "Acct. Report", true,
gsbis_page = add_page(GSBISPanel.new(self), "Inv. Scan", true,
mpa_page = add_page(MPAPanel.new(self), "Product Addition",
true, 0)
msrpc_page = add_page(MSRPCPanel.new(self), “SRP Change”, true,
payparse_page = add_page(PayParsePanel.new(self), “Payroll
Report”, true, 0)
class MyApp < Wx::App
def on_init
frame = Wx::Frame.new(nil, :size => Wx::Size.new(686, 303),
:title => “MultiTool”)
notebook = MainNB.new(frame, 0)
t = Wx::Timer.new(self, 55)
evt_timer(55) { Thread.pass }
— END —
So that is where I create the timer and pass the thread… then the
thread is actually created when a button is pressed on one of the panels
in the notebook. The end result is that whatever is in the new thread
just never executes. I’m trying to break this up into a larger but
easily maintainable set of applications which is why I have all the
files separated out in the way I do, but I’m really unsure of how this
affecting the execution of the code.
The code for the panels is all pretty lengthy and in the middle of being
cleaned up and re-written, but its basically in the form:
— example panel —
class GSBISPanel < Wx::Panel
def initialize(*args)
# bunch of crap in a grid
# button that starts data processing
add(Wx::Button[:label => 'Run']) do |@b_run|
listen(:button, @b_run, :run)
def run
t = Thread.new { #process a bunch of data (this never runs)}
— END example —
I hope I am explaining this thoroughly and clearly. If anyone has some
pointers or ideas of how to approach this please let me know.