Server: Debian/Etch
Development: MAC OS X 10.4
gem install capistrano --include-dependencies OK
gem install deprec --include-dependencies OK
echo “require ‘deprec/recipes’” >> ./.caprc OK
cap install_rails_stack OK
rails figgfrosch OK
…importing in local svn … OK
cd figgfrosch
deprec --apply-to . OK
editing deploy.rb OK
cap setup_ssh_keys OK
cap deprec_setup OK
cap setup_smc OK
cap deploy_with_migrations OK
I can now see the rails standard page /public/index.html OK
So, now I have a new local directory called figgfrosch_machine OK
When I want to make changes to my application, what do I have to do?
- cd figgfrosch_machine
- mate .
- Make my changes…
- Commit within Textmate
- svn update and svn status in my terminal
When everything seems to be fine:
- cap deploy
- cap restart_apache
Is this the right way?
I’am a bit confused with the figgfrosch_machine directory.