" appearing in email

I am having problems with the formatting of my email.
This is what my code looks like

  email =


and my send_notifications.rhtml looks like this

<%=h @notification.message %>

When I send an email with quotes, for example ( test “message”) my email
looks like this

test "message&quot

I am running rails 1.2.3. Any help will be appreciated.

On Feb 4, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Jay D. wrote:

and my send_notifications.rhtml looks like this

<%=h @notification.message %>

Don’t escape it. h is an alias for html_escape which (for 2.3.2) does
this on the argument:

to_s.gsub(/[&"><]/) { |special| HTML_ESCAPE[special] }

On Feb 4, 9:11 pm, Philip H. [email protected] wrote:

<%=h @notification.message %>

Don’t escape it. h is an alias for html_escape which (for 2.3.2) does
this on the argument:

To be quite precise, only use h (that is, html_escape) if the output
is html. While your template is a .rhtml, you are telling mail clients
that you are sending plain text.


Frederick C. wrote:

On Feb 4, 9:11�pm, Philip H. [email protected] wrote:

<%=h @notification.message %>

Don’t escape it. �h is an alias for html_escape which (for 2.3.2) does �
this on the argument:

To be quite precise, only use h (that is, html_escape) if the output
is html. While your template is a .rhtml, you are telling mail clients
that you are sending plain text.


Great! that worked.