Hi i have this code :
<%= f.input :xyz, :label => “Select a number:”,:collection =>
:as => :radio%>
where xyz is a boolean field, so when i submit my form and check in the
database it shows the selection as false even though i’ve selected a
button and there’s also a validates presence of
On Mar 7, 2013 5:58 PM, “NN Dodhia” [email protected] wrote:
Hi i have this code :
<%= f.input :xyz, :label => “Select a number:”,:collection =>
:as => :radio%>
where xyz is a boolean field, so when i submit my form and check in the
database it shows the selection as false even though i’ve selected a
button and there’s also a validates presence of
What do you get in the params?
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On 7 March 2013 12:27, NN Dodhia [email protected] wrote:
Hi i have this code :
<%= f.input :xyz, :label => “Select a number:”,:collection =>
:as => :radio%>
Can you point to the docs for the use of :as => :radio in that way, I
can’t seem to find it.
where xyz is a boolean field, so when i submit my form and check in the
database it shows the selection as false even though i’ve selected a radio
button and there’s also a validates presence of
Note that false is a value, so validates presence of will be quite
happy with false. It is not the same as nil.