Radio buttons => What if the value is a FK?


I have radio buttons like this in my view:

<%= radio_button :goals, :goaltype_id, ‘Recurring’, { :onclick => “new
Effect.SlideDown(‘recurring’); return false;” }
%>  Recurring

<%= radio_button :goals, :goaltype_id, ‘One-time’, { :onclick => “new
Effect.SlideDown(‘onetime’); return false;” } %>  One-time
<%= radio_button :goals, :goaltype_id, ‘Compound’, { :onclick => “new
Effect.SlideDown(‘compound’); return false;” }
%>  Compound

<%= radio_button :goals, :goaltype_id, ‘Elapsed’, { :onclick => “new
Effect.SlideDown(‘elapsed’); return false;” } %>  Elapsed

Everything is working fine. My problem is that the value of “One-time”
etc., isn’t really the value back to the object of “goal”, but instead
it’s actually a FK to another table, where “one-time” corresponds to
“goaltype_id” numeric in the table goal.

My problem is that the the value of the “goaltype_id” isn’t being
comitted back to the table with the goal. How would I make this work?

Thanks very much in advance for your time.
