Railish icons?

This is a little off topic but someone here knows, I’m sure… Does
anyone have a good site to find freely available standard icons for
things like add/edit/delete/save?

I’m looking for a set of clean and simple matching icons that capture
that Railsy-Web 2.0 feel…

Maybe icons aren’t Railsy…


The following is a very nice free icon set:


Joe C.


This is a little site I saw mentioned before - rather interesting too.

I got the following email from Karsten for developing icons for Swing
based application. I guess
Tango can be used for anything. So you can create your own icons for
items that you don’t find
anywhere else.

"The Eclipse project provides two icon sets,
an older one before Eclipse 3.1 M6 and the
current one. I personally use the older one,
because it “works” better with Win2K and OS X.

Both Eclipse icon sets are primarily pixel-based,
don’t scale, but are quite easy to extend even
for developers, which often lack design experience.

Another great icon set is at tango-project.org.
You can download the 0.7.2 tango-icon-theme,
that already has many frequently used icons.
Tango provides all image resources and has info
about how to create new Tango-style icons.
Since you have the sources, you can produce SVGs
and so can scale your icons with the resolution,
which becomes more and more important."

— “Robert W. Dempsey” [email protected] wrote:

anyone have a good site to find freely available standard icons for
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

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Check out this list of free icon sets:




I find that Crystal Clear and Nuvola icons are great. They are in png
format, and have sizes ranging from 16x16 up to 128x128.

There’s lots from this site:

Crystal Clear:


Hope that helps,


Bala P. wrote:

I got the following email from Karsten for developing icons for Swing
based application. I guess
Tango can be used for anything. So you can create your own icons for
items that you don’t find
anywhere else.

"The Eclipse project provides two icon sets,
an older one before Eclipse 3.1 M6 and the
current one. I personally use the older one,
because it “works” better with Win2K and OS X.

Both Eclipse icon sets are primarily pixel-based,
don’t scale, but are quite easy to extend even
for developers, which often lack design experience.

Another great icon set is at tango-project.org.
You can download the 0.7.2 tango-icon-theme,
that already has many frequently used icons.
Tango provides all image resources and has info
about how to create new Tango-style icons.
Since you have the sources, you can produce SVGs
and so can scale your icons with the resolution,
which becomes more and more important."

— “Robert W. Dempsey” [email protected] wrote:

anyone have a good site to find freely available standard icons for
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

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