In my project, I’ve created an abstract model that my real models
inherit from. In my abstract model, I’ve overridden method_missing so
that I can use attribute names without the field type prefix from the
legacy database, without having to set up alias_attribute for every
attribute in every table.
class LegacyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
def method_missing(symbol, *args)
…do some stuff…
This all worked fine in Rails 2.0.2. It still works in Rails 2.2.2,
but now not across a belongs_to association. It does work across a
has_many association.
NoMethodError: NoMethodError
from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/
associations/association_proxy.rb:209:in `method_missing’
Anyone have any ideas on either a better way to handle the attribute
names, or where to start looking to figure out how to make this work?
Although, I have to wonder if there’s a better way to
accomplish this than through method_missing. Maybe there’s some way
to loop through all attributes and call alias_attribute dynamically
when classes are loaded?
There is - try this:
class LegacyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
column_names.each do |c|
# figure out the new name
alias_attribute new_name, c
column_names.each do |c|
# figure out the new name
alias_attribute new_name, c
–Matt J.
This would work in a regular model, but not a model with
abstract_class set to true. LegacyModel is an abstract class that
other models inherit from, so I do not have to repeat certain things
which apply to all legacy tables in the database, like setting the
primary key, certain alias_attribute calls, and a few other things.
I played around with overriding respond_to?, and figured out how to
make this all work. Apparently, in Rails 2.2, if respond_to? returns
false, method_missing gets called on the association proxy instead of
the base class. Although, I have to wonder if there’s a better way to
accomplish this than through method_missing. Maybe there’s some way
to loop through all attributes and call alias_attribute dynamically
when classes are loaded?
Anyway, thanks for the help.
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