I have been used to mysql.But how to install it with rails 2.1? I can
find many instructions for sqlite with rais2.1 except mysql.
I have been used to mysql.But how to install it with rails 2.1? I can
find many instructions for sqlite with rais2.1 except mysql.
To create a rails app that uses mysql instead of the default of sqlite
you can run the command “rails myappsname -d mysql”
(this assumes you have mysql installed)
Michael B. wrote:
To create a rails app that uses mysql instead of the default of sqlite
you can run the command “rails myappsname -d mysql”(this assumes you have mysql installed)
thank you!But i do not know how to install the mysql.just download it
and install it or need some gem?
mysql should be downloaded and installed
There is a mysql driver that should be installed as well.
On Jun 20, 10:25 am, Guo Y. [email protected]
Install MySQL separate using either the installer for Windows or rpm/
source if you are on a unix system. Make sure mysql is working and is
listening to a port that you can connect to. (like 3306)
Either create a new rails project with -d mysql or edit your confg/
database.yml to look like this:
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: database_devel
username: root
port: 3306
By default there is a ruby driver that is installed WITH rails so
there is no need to install anything to get MySQL working with rails.
There is a NATIVE gem that you can install to get better performance
for MySQL and this is recommended for production … Something like
gem install mysql – --with-mysql-config (if mysql is in your path)
heimdull wrote:
Install MySQL separate using either the installer for Windows or rpm/
source if you are on a unix system. Make sure mysql is working and is
listening to a port that you can connect to. (like 3306)Either create a new rails project with -d mysql or edit your confg/
database.yml to look like this:development:
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: database_devel
username: root
port: 3306By default there is a ruby driver that is installed WITH rails so
there is no need to install anything to get MySQL working with rails.
There is a NATIVE gem that you can install to get better performance
for MySQL and this is recommended for production … Something like
this:gem install mysql – --with-mysql-config (if mysql is in your path)
Thank you!I should be able to resolve it.
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