Rails deployment configurtaions

Hey all

Im currently running this lighty / mongrel / pound config…

– lighty (for static content)
– mongrel cluster (for rails)

Now then, i hear that 1.5 will have vastly improved proxying module on
lighty? Which would reduce the stack to the point where lighty could
replace pound as the load balencer? Effectivly making it…

– mongrel cluster

Where lighty would serve the sites to which it has in its configuration.
Proxying the ones where configured to do so.

I was interested in what people knew about the improvements in 1.5
regarding the proxying / load balencing modules and when we might see
them? As currently its a pain in the ass using pound, there are some
thing (such as re-write rules and the like) which it just cant do. Some
would say use Apache 2.2 as a the load balencer, but a) i prefer lighty,
and b) i prefer lighty! haha.

Any thoughts, just was after a frank, open discussion really, as i know
there are probally quite a few people out there running very similar


Tim P.

On Sep 19, 2006, at 3:46 AM, Tim P. wrote:

lighty? Which would reduce the stack to the point where lighty could
regarding the proxying / load balencing modules and when we might see


Tim P.

Hey Tim-

From what I have heard the new lighty1.5 with the improved

mod_proxy_core is 5 to 8 weeks away(don’t hold me to this, itrs just
what I heard). It will effectively cut out the pound from your setup
all together. Meanwhile I have been using nginx as a mongrel cluster
front end. Irt serves static files fast and has a great proxy module
built in. You can get a nice rails ready config for nginx if you want
to try it out here:



thanks for the suggestion however ive just set it up so that pound
proxys static files to lighty transparently, which will more than
suffice for now :slight_smile:

Looking forward to see the 1.5 realse of lighty tho, ill keep a look out
over the comming weeks

