I have an application build on java and I was considering writing a
small application on Jruby on rails to manage the java application. I am
interested in just writing the rails application to query the tables and
build some reports (Queries will only be read mode and not update
queries). I have not intention to update the tables. Can i write this
application in rails considering that the tables are not following the
rails conventions. some tables does not have a primary key also…
Can i stil go with rails for writing this application?
I have written several large report CLI systems that use JRuby for
querying multiple massive tables (140+ million rows left joined) with
no issues.
The trick is to create a rails app, then create scripts that leverage
the rails eco system.
I am using the “script” folder but you can use anything of course.
For example, I have scripts that have this at the top:
REAL sql would be multiple joins and what not, but simplified here
for brevity
sql = %{
FROM tracks
WHERE some_column='#{some_value}'
AND territory='#{territory}'
AND CAST(created_at AS DATE) BETWEEN '#{report_from}' AND
AND platform=‘XXX’
AND media_type IN (‘YYY’)
ORDER BY created_at, user_id
puts “-> SQL #{sql}”
rows = Tracks.connection.execute(sql)
# Drop all rows where user is from ignored.com
rows.delete_if { |row| ignored_users.include? row[‘user_id’] }
# And continue
fmt_row_count = sprintf(‘%07d’, rows.size)
row_number = 1
rows.each do |row|
# do stuff
puts " → #{sprintf(‘%07d’,row_number)} of #{fmt_row_count}
#{row[‘created_at’]} #{some_field} #{another_field}
row_number += 1
I then run it using:
time jruby -S script/somescript.rb
I’ve somewhat over simplified the example for corporate IP sake, but the
principal should be clear.
Due to heap issues on the legacy systems I sometimes have to add
“-J-Xmx1000m” (or higher) after jruby but before -S to get it to run
Does that help?
On 24/11/2012, at 7:09 PM, Pradeep Kumar wrote:
Can i stil go with rails for writing this application?
If all you are doing is querying the database you may want to consider
using sequel and bypass rails altogether. http://sequel.rubyforge.org/
This will save you lots of RAM and also run faster.
Also here is a neat substitute for this construct
Users.where(“primary_email like ‘[email protected]’”).each { |user|
ignored_users << user.id }
You can do this instead.
ignored_users = Users.where(“primary_email like
‘[email protected]’”).pluck(:id)
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Kimberley Scott
HI, I need to run with a web application MVC. Also I need to integrate
with Java modules which is external dependencies. For this reason, I am
planning to go with Rails.
If all you are doing is querying the database you may want to consider
using sequel and bypass rails altogether. http://sequel.rubyforge.org/
This will save you lots of RAM and also run faster.
Also here is a neat substitute for this construct
Users.where(“primary_email like ‘[email protected]’”).each { |user|
ignored_users << user.id }
You can do this instead.
ignored_users = Users.where(“primary_email like
‘[email protected]’”).pluck(:id)
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Kimberley Scott
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.