Hello Friends,
Hope all are doing well.
I was seeking some guidance on open-source, stable, efficient and
better library (plugin/gem) for generating chars and graphs in rails.
here i am looking for graphs/charts with multiple scale in a single
axis. also i am having concerns for exporting charts in some of report
like pdf or image etc.
Please let me your thoughts/experience/guidance on this.
Use gruff charts or google charts…
Gruff Charts: http://nubyonrails.com/pages/gruff
google charts: http://blog.brijeshshah.com/google-chart-4-rails-gc4r/
This plugins helps you generating charts in form of images…
Or, the free Open Flash Chart, which uses Flash to render charts, just
google’s does:
And, ofcourse, someone already developed a plug-in for RoR:
But none of these 3 chart ‘components’ allow the user to ‘zoom in’ and
‘scroll’ the view… I’m still searching for something like this.
Preferably, it would request ‘JSON’ / ‘XML’ data real-time as the user
scrolls to or zooms to regions of the chart… Or did I not read the
Chart API docs that well?
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Brijesh S. <
Martijn van Rheenen wrote:
Or, the free Open Flash Chart, which uses Flash to render charts, just
google’s does:
Nope. Google’s charts are straight images, so they are generally the
better choice. There is usually little reason to force Flash on your
users for something this simple.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
Thank You Very much friends for your valuable suggestions. i will
evaluate these various options.
Nope. Google’s charts are straight images, so they are generally the
better choice. There is usually little reason to force Flash on your
users for something this simple.
Indeed they are, images, I saw that too. But you will not be able to
generate these charts when a user is not online, would you? Or, not able
connect to google (like in a very strict intranet environment
if you want the charts to be ‘interactive’, though, (like zooming and
scrolling around the data real-time) Flash is not that bad. I admit, I
to use it too, but OpenFlashChart is the only open source component I
find that delivers almost all this functionality without requiring a
connection to some other website…
Even not free (XML/SWF and DIY Map) you can just check this also
I have used fusion charts and its cool, i believe there is no flash
type charts that are available for free.
Syed A B.
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Sijo Kg
Martijn van Rheenen wrote:
Nope. Google’s charts are straight images, so they are generally the
better choice. There is usually little reason to force Flash on your
users for something this simple.
Indeed they are, images, I saw that too. But you will not be able to
generate these charts when a user is not online, would you? Or, not able
connect to google (like in a very strict intranet environment
No, of course Google Charts won’t do anything if Google’s chart service
can’t be reached.
if you want the charts to be ‘interactive’, though, (like zooming and
scrolling around the data real-time) Flash is not that bad. I admit, I
to use it too, but OpenFlashChart is the only open source component I
find that delivers almost all this functionality without requiring a
connection to some other website…
How about the visualization components from the SIMILE project (
http://simile.mit.edu )? The ones such as Timeplot are pure DHTML/JS,
and they don’t rely on external services as far as I know. There seem
to be some projects aimed at using these with Rails, but I don’t know
how well they work.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
syed arifullah badsha s wrote:
I have used fusion charts and its cool, i believe there is no flash
type charts that are available for free.
But you are wrong. Open Flash Chart is free.
Syed A B.
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Sijo Kg
Marnen Laibow-Koser
syed arifullah badsha s wrote:
Thanks for highlighting. Any one has used it? Any inputs on Open Flash
is free.
Ya open flash is free…I used it…
You can download it as plugin from
Open Flash chart works like a charm, just disable all ‘animations’ and
client will take you seriously 
I have used it for a prototype application with Symfony (yes, I know,
PHP…) but for the ‘real’ application I’m setting everything up with
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Brijesh S. <
Thanks for highlighting. Any one has used it? Any inputs on Open Flash
is free.
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser <