Rails OSX Tiger RMagick Bus Error Abort trap


I am using a PowerBook G4 with:
OSX Tiger version 10.4.7; Rubygems 0.9; Rails 1.1.6; RMagic 1.13.0

I have Ruby and friends installed at /usr/local/…
just as described in:

then installed RMagick as descibed in:

Then installed file_column and the full Rails environment worked fine
for about four weeks. I could do script/console under iterm and get
into the
development environment.

Then, I had to update Quicksilver, Rubygems and Rails; after
that, I can’t access script/console.

If I do script/console under my Rails app dir in iterm, I get this:

PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ script/console
Loading development environment.
[BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]

Abort trap

So then I deleted all RMagick using: uninstall-RMagick.rb and went to
install RMagick again via the same method:

I got nowhere same error when I do script/console under my Rails app
dir; so then I thought it had to do with file_column, so I went
and tried it with acts_as_attachment via doing th sample Rails app in:

For acts_as_attachment example to work, I had to install
acts_as_attachment-1.1.6 that I got from here:

Well I got acts_as_attachment to work fine, but when I went into iterm
and tried script/console, I got the same error as before; so clearly
it is not a
problem with acts_as_attachment or file_column

Then from iterm I did this:
PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ ruby -rrubygems -e “require ‘RMagick’; puts
This is RMagick 1.13.0 ($Date: 2006/06/26 23:32:37 $) Copyright (C)
2006 by Timothy P. Hunter
Built with ImageMagick 6.2.8 09/22/06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Built for ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]
Web page: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org
Email: [email protected]

If i do this :
PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ which ruby

So I reinstalled Ruby and friends again at /usr/local/…
just as described in:

then reinstalled RMagick again as descibed in:

And still getting the same error, can’t get script/console to work.

I need to have script/console access when using RMagic under Rails.

Please Help

try building rmagick from source. Any problems installing rmagic will
shown this way. By installing by source, I solved an rmagick problem I
stumbling on for over a week.

The only way I got it to work was to remove all the Hivelogic steps
completely, download DarwinPorts and then install graphicsMagick
instead of ImageMagick. Worked like a charm.

Peter Wright
[email protected]

Personal Blog → http://peterwright.blogspot.com
Agile Development Blog → http://exceeding-expectations.blogspot.com

I’ve been using rmagick with rails on OS X. I followed these
directions to install:
Worked like a charm!


On 9/27/06, Victor R. [email protected] wrote:

then installed RMagick as descibed in:
Dan Benjamin

Thanks Pete and Sarah;

My main concern is if I go the DarwinPorts road,
I have all installed in /usr/local and DarwinPorts installs all
in /opt/… so my question would be :
is anyone of you using a mixed environment say having
Ruby and others in /usr/local and just the Imagemagick stuff in

I know some people are using all under /usr/local that is the way I
prefer to go…

I have all (RMagic, Ruby, gem, rails, etc.) under /opt with Darwinports.
seemed less complicated that way. sudo port install “whatever” and it


Thanks Vishnu,

Wish I could do that but I do have some other apps that have to be in
/usr/local/… and that do not have DarwinPorts support…

Guys, any other suggestions as to how to install in /usr/local/… ?
Anyone else has had this problem and solved it lately under
/usr/local/… ?

Victor R. wrote:

Dan Benjamin

Dan Benjamin
Well I got acts_as_attachment to work fine, but when I went into iterm
Built for ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]

then reinstalled RMagick again as descibed in:
Dan Benjamin

And still getting the same error, can’t get script/console to work.

I need to have script/console access when using RMagic under Rails.

Please Help

Uninstall RMagick and install it again from source - not from the gem -
using the instructions at http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/install-osx.html.
The installation includes running 175+ tests. Pay close attention to the
output from these tests. Do you get any errors? If so, report them to
[email protected]. If not, then RMagick is installed and running
properly and you need to look elsewhere for the problem. My guess
(lacking any other information) would be that you have two versions of
ImageMagick installed. To determine that you’ll just have to search your
filesystem. If that turns out to be the case, remove both completely
and install ImageMagick and RMagick again from source using the
procedure outlined in the RMagick installation FAQ.

If you do have to re-install ImageMagick, think about using the
–with-quantum-depth=8 option when you configure ImageMagick. For
general images intended for the web and for printing on inkjet printers
8 bits is enough and you’ll cut your memory requirements in half and
your CPU requirements almost in half.

Finally I fixed this problem.
now all works under /usr/local/…

I followed this link’s instructions:

and applied the shell script: