I am using a PowerBook G4 with:
OSX Tiger version 10.4.7; Rubygems 0.9; Rails 1.1.6; RMagic 1.13.0
I have Ruby and friends installed at /usr/local/…
just as described in:
then installed RMagick as descibed in:
Then installed file_column and the full Rails environment worked fine
for about four weeks. I could do script/console under iterm and get
into the
development environment.
Then, I had to update Quicksilver, Rubygems and Rails; after
that, I can’t access script/console.
If I do script/console under my Rails app dir in iterm, I get this:
PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ script/console
Loading development environment.
[BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]
Abort trap
So then I deleted all RMagick using: uninstall-RMagick.rb and went to
install RMagick again via the same method:
I got nowhere same error when I do script/console under my Rails app
dir; so then I thought it had to do with file_column, so I went
and tried it with acts_as_attachment via doing th sample Rails app in:
For acts_as_attachment example to work, I had to install
acts_as_attachment-1.1.6 that I got from here:
Well I got acts_as_attachment to work fine, but when I went into iterm
and tried script/console, I got the same error as before; so clearly
it is not a
problem with acts_as_attachment or file_column
Then from iterm I did this:
PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ ruby -rrubygems -e “require ‘RMagick’; puts
This is RMagick 1.13.0 ($Date: 2006/06/26 23:32:37 $) Copyright (C)
2006 by Timothy P. Hunter
Built with ImageMagick 6.2.8 09/22/06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Built for ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]
Web page: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org
Email: [email protected]
If i do this :
PBG4:~/Rails/app vr_mex$ which ruby
So I reinstalled Ruby and friends again at /usr/local/…
just as described in:
then reinstalled RMagick again as descibed in:
And still getting the same error, can’t get script/console to work.
I need to have script/console access when using RMagic under Rails.
Please Help