June 10, 2010, 2:38pm
I have an app which posts an ajax request with with text area content,
but when it does post it it gets all the newlines and multiple spaces
removed (need to use multiple spacing for use with markdown code
I’ve created a sample app which you can see here
http://test.42horizons.com/test ,
View it in IE 8 and both requests remove line spaces and new lines,
view it in firefox 3.6.3 windows and the left request works ok and the
right request removes line spaces and new lines
the echo action which the requests are sent to simply removes the
controller and action keys from params and then does
render :text => params.to_json
Anyone have any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
June 10, 2010, 4:14pm
After look deeper it looks like ActiveSupport::JSON.decode is to
blame, heres an example
ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(“data=”\u000a function(){
\u000a var a = 1;\u000a }\u000a\u000a “”)
=> data=" function(){ var a = 1; }\n"
Anyone know if theres a fix to this?
June 10, 2010, 5:24pm
I’ve change the ajax posting from “data=some data” to “{data:‘some
Hopefully thats what you meant
Unfortunatley this hasnt changed the response, rails is still removing
the spaces and new lines
Is this what you mean?
On Jun 10, 4:06 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]
June 10, 2010, 5:43pm
On Jun 10, 4:15 pm, teesea [email protected] wrote:
I’ve change the ajax posting from “data=some data” to “{data:‘some
So if you do that then you will need to set the content-type to
application/json, or else rails will try to parse it as something else
Hopefully thats what you meant
Unfortunatley this hasnt changed the response, rails is still removing
the spaces and new lines
Is this what you mean?
June 10, 2010, 5:17pm
On Jun 10, 1:37 pm, teesea [email protected] wrote:
the echo action which the requests are sent to simply removes the
controller and action keys from params and then does
render :text => params.to_json
Anyone have any ideas what I’m doing wrong?
I think the way you’re posting data is weird. You’re taking a string,
encoding it as json but then submitting it as a normal url encoded