[RAILS] [rspec 2.4.0] helper spec works but rails escapes all output


rspec version: 2.4.0

Given this helper - snippet:

def participants_summary table
show_short_participant_link(participant) }.join(’, ')

def show_table_link(table)
link_to(table.name, :action => :show, :id => table)

and this spec

describe ‘participants_summary’ do
let(:table) { new_table :participants => [
new_participant(:id=> 1, :name =>
new_participant(:id=> 2, :name =>
‘name2’) ] }

  it "includes the names of all participants" do
    participants = participants_summary table

include(link_to(‘name1’, :controller=>‘person’,:action=>‘show’,:id=>1))
include(link_to(‘name2’, :controller=>‘person’,:action=>‘show’,:id=>2))

The spec passes, but the real output is escaped.

the helper should look like this

def participants_summary table
raw table.participants.collect{|participant|
show_short_participant_link(participant) }.join(’, ')

I think (but i am not sure) that rspec should mimic Rails’ behaviour
in escaping all html from such helpers unless you put ‘raw’ in front.

I can fix this in my case doing:

render :text => participants_summary(table)
rendered.should include(link_to(‘name1’, :controller=…etc

This actually appears to use the rails3 rendering engine, or at least
it fails if i remove the ‘raw’ call.
Sadly, theconsequence of this is inserting something like this for not
all but quite a few helpers.

Does anybody know of another way of dealing with this. Do you think
that this render => :text call should be (an implicitly or explicit)
part of the HelperExampleGroup?

I have put it in like this in one of my spec/support -ing files

module HelperRenderer

renders the text as view so that rails view rendering magic

(like implicit HTML escaping) can take place

def render_helper(text)
render :text => text

module RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup
include HelperRenderer

Since rails 3 all strings are escaped, unlike rails 2 where you had to
use the h method
use .html_safe in your helper method to stop the output escaping

the test is correct

This article will explain a little bit more

Rob A.

Software Developer
[email protected]
twitter: stardotstar

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