Does the Story Runner work on edge rails? I thought that is what the
example app was using but I am on the latest Rails and latest rSpec
revisions and I am having problems. When I call ‘render_template’ in a
story I get the following:
NoMethodError: undefined method `render_template’ for
Do I need to include something or why would this method not be found?
The full story is at: Parked at Loopia
On 10/5/07, Ben M. [email protected] wrote:
Do I need to include something or why would this method not be found?
The full story is at: Parked at Loopia
Actually, even without edge rails, I was having trouble mixing in a
using include myself, got the same message above, but for a different
method. Not sure if ‘include’ was having the desired effect for me
(although I found another path by doing the include in “helper.rb”
of inside the Scenario, which solved the problem for me.
Well, I am not even trying to include anything. I basically have what
all teh examples of the story runner have. I can’t seem to get the
Story Runner to work with a simple example. This is all it takes to
make it fail on my app:
require File.join(File.dirname(FILE), “helper”)
Story “Signin process”, %{
As a person
I want to sign up for an account
So that I can view and contribute content
}, :type => RailsStory do
Scenario “An individual looking for support” do
When "visiting the registration page at", "/signup" do |page|
get page
Then "viewer should see", "users/new" do |template|
response.should render_template(template)
When I run this story (“ruby stories/signin_process.rb”) I get the
NoMethodError: undefined method `render_template’ for
Any ideas?