Rails Step by Step Tutorial for ubuntu


I was wondering if anyone knows of a good step by step tutorial to
install Apache + Mysql + PHPmyadmin + Ruby + Rails or any other web
server to develop in rails in Ubuntu (Linux), I been to trying to
install it but it is very hard because there is always something that
goes wrong since there is so many things to install on the right way to
make it work right, please help!


On 4 June 2012 21:05, Code M. [email protected] wrote:


I was wondering if anyone knows of a good step by step tutorial to
install Apache + Mysql + PHPmyadmin + Ruby + Rails or any other web
server to develop in rails in Ubuntu (Linux), I been to trying to
install it but it is very hard because there is always something that
goes wrong since there is so many things to install on the right way to
make it work right, please help!

Trying using google to search for “rails apache mysql tutorial”. It
back lots of tutorials. The first one covers a lot of what you’re

I would recommend reading a tutorial on each step individually, and
them working one by one, so you understand how they all work. One magic
tutorial that does them all will probably be a lot less reliable than a
good tutorial for each.

Also, if you’re just trying to get your application live, and you don’t
really want to learn about the infrastructure, I’d recommend looking at
Heroku, which handles a lot of the pain for you.

One final tip - you’ll probably want to use Passenger, so google that as


This is what I used. I was able to get it done. I ran into a problem
and I just needed to uninstall and reinstall the gems. Good luck!

Evan M.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Jeremy W. [email protected]

goes wrong since there is so many things to install on the right way to

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Evan M.
Doctoral Student (Criminal Justice)
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English critic, essayist, & reformer (1819 - 1900)

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Wolfgang Von Goethe

On 4 June 2012 21:32, Code M. [email protected] wrote:

Hello Jeremy,

before anything thanks for da reply,

What I want is to start developing a website on Rails, nothing else, I
wanted to use mysql because it what my hosting provides, so the question
is what you recommend me to develop? Is it Apache + mysql + Rails? or

If you’re starting developing a website, then I wouldn’t worry about
setting up the server yet. Getting stuff working on your local machine
very easy with Rails. You don’t need apache, etc. Just choose and
install a
database and follow a basic Rails tutorial to get you going. If you have
specific host you are using then MySQL is fine. If you are considering
Heroku, then maybe look at PostgreSQL.

Once you’ve got an app ready to go, then install apache, passenger and
mysql/postgres on the server and you should be away. It’s actually not
complex. For reference, the last machine I did it on involved these

Hello Jeremy,

before anything thanks for da reply,

What I want is to start developing a website on Rails, nothing else, I
wanted to use mysql because it what my hosting provides, so the question
is what you recommend me to develop? Is it Apache + mysql + Rails? or



2012/6/4 Code M. [email protected]
