Raisl 4.2 + Capybara + Paperclip = Race condition


I’m upgrading a small Rails 4.1.x app to 4.2.

All my test suite is passing, except one spec:

scenario "showing a video called from a track" do
  visit video_path(video, level_id: level.id)
  sign_in create(:confirmed_user)

  expect(page).to have_selector


Here is the factory:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :video do
title “Cadastrando um cliente”
poster {
“image/png”) }
video {
“video/mp4”) }

That’s the problem:

Video Pages

when showing

showing a video called from a track (FAILED - 1)

HTML screenshot:


  1. Video Pages when showing showing a video called from a track

    Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_selector

    expected to find css
    but there were no matches

    ./spec/features/video_spec.rb:66:in `block (3 levels) in <top


When I inspect the generated HTML I have:

<video class=“img-responsive”

      controls preload autoplay




type=“video/mp4” />

When I inspect the video.poster(:original) I have:


The worst: sometimes it pass and sometimes not.

My impression is that the content of the file is changing while I’m
and because of this, the fingerprint is different too.

Does anyone can help me?


On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 11:35:45 AM UTC, Cezinha A. wrote:

The worst: sometimes it pass and sometimes not.

My impression is that the content of the file is changing while I’m
testing and because of this, the fingerprint is different too.

Does anyone can help me?

That’s not a fingerprint, it’s a timestamp. Who is inserting that


It’s generated by Paperclip!

2015-01-06 10:29 GMT-02:00 Frederick C.
[email protected]:

      controls preload autoplay poster="/system/videos/


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César Luiz dos Anjos Júnior


(48) 3263-7137

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Hi Fred!

I beg your pardon, but I think you’re not right.

The ?“nnnnnnn” is really a fingerprint generated by paperclip. I checked

Do you have any idea to solve my problem?

I only think in two options:

  1. The assertion is happening while the factory girl is loading the
  2. For a weird reason, factory girl could be loading the sample file

I’m two days working on it and I’m not finding a solution.


Em terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015 10h29min56s UTC-2, Frederick C.

On Tuesday, January 6, 2015 9:52:38 PM UTC, Cezinha A. wrote:

GitHub - thoughtbot/paperclip: Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord

It’s definitely not an md5 fingerprint - it’s too short. Furthermore,
when interpreted as a timestamp (try using Time.at) it returns a time a
few minutes before your original post.

paperclip/lib/paperclip/url_generator.rb at master · thoughtbot/paperclip · GitHub
Seems to indicate that it uses the updated_at of the model. Perhaps a
change in rails 4.2 is causing your model to be saved a second time
during the call to visit. If that second save happens within the same
second your spec will pass if not it will fail.

You could also take the view that the value of the timestamp isn’t
important and change your spec to only look at the path.


Hi Fred!

I wouldn’t like to change my test, but I had to!

Thanks for your attention!

Em Wed Jan 07 2015 at 7:05:48 AM, Frederick C. <
[email protected]> escreveu: