Hi i’m finishing off my RAKE Task to send out alert emails to all the
active users, and using RAKE Tasks to do this.
I’ve written a task to do the work and placed this in /lib/utils.rake of
my app.
running it via…
rake RAILS_ENV=development utils:send_alerts --trace
works fine…
namespace :utils do
desc “Find pending alerts and send out emails”
task(:send_alerts => :environment) do
for alert in Reminder.get_alerts
if alert.done = 0
puts “Alert #{alert.title} - #{alert.date}”
alert.done = 1
all that works fine but the actual task: Reminder.get_alerts
when running it, it says: undefined method `get_alerts’ for
i can run it via Reminder.find_all but only want to return certain
situations, so i’ve placed the task to do it in my Reminder Model but
that doesn’t work, tried in the controller or helper but still it
doesn’t see the method.
Any ideas where i should put the ‘get_alerts’ method?
Appreciate it,