I ran:
warble executable war
And then:
java -jar myproj.jar
And when I hit localhost:8080 I see:
Caused by: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (LoadError) no such file
load – lib/mongo-2.7.3
I looked in my warble.rb file, and there are allot of settings/configs
there. Do I have to do something to tell it to grab the jars from
The only change I made (uncommented the section) was to make it use ruby
config.webxml.jruby.compat.version = “1.9”
I’m using RVM locally in case that matters.
Ok it seems to be this line of code:
require ‘java’
require ‘lib/mongo-2.7.3’
That I have in my lib:
On my server, I see the mongo-2.7.3.jar in:
Why does it work with Trinidad, but when using either the executable war
(locally) or in tomcat it throws this error?
Really stuck here, hoping someone can help out…
Much apprecitiated!
What is the full path to the executable war file? Eventually it contains
illegal characters for the URLClassLoader, then loading jar inside other
jars(or wars) fails.
Waldemar Dick
On 28.03.2012 17:20, S Ahmed wrote:
Not sure I follow you, you mean where is the actual .war file that I am
executing via
java -jar myapp.war
Yes, that is what I meant. JRuby’s class loader fails to load jars, if
the war-File, or the the path to it, cannot be represented as a legal
URL. For example myapp##1.war will fails to load, because # is special
character in URLs.
I was going to file a bug report, but then I forgot again, until you
reminded me.
Waldemar Dick
Ok so my situation doesn’t seem to be related to that right?
Not sure I follow you, you mean where is the actual .war file that I am
executing via
java -jar myapp.war