Thanks for looking at the code, Mario. I made those modifications (to
my prototype as well as my game library, where I had been re-using a
DC but had not been caching pens).
It did speed things up a bit, but it still runs many times faster (55
seconds vs. 5 seconds) if I join the animation thread.
thread = do
black_pen =, 0, 0), 0)
green_pen =, 255, 128), 3)
300.times do |i|
buffer.draw do |surface|
#Clear screen.
surface.pen = black_pen
surface.brush = Wx::BLACK_BRUSH
surface.draw_rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300)
#Draw lines.
30.times do |j|
x = i + j
surface.pen = green_pen
surface.pen.cap = Wx::CAP_ROUND
surface.draw_line(x, 0, x+100, 100)
#Update screen.
update_window(window, buffer)
#Makes GUI unresponsive if uncommented.
# thread.join
Any idea how I can get the thread scheduler to devote a bit more time
to animation, without completely freezing the GUI?
-Jay McGavren
Mario S. wrote:
Well, one optimization that I can see just by skimming the code, is that
your creating a DC Buffer each time you loop to draw a line. The grabbing
of a DC weither it’s an On-Screen Control, or an Off Screen Bitmap.
If you would also notice, I’m not constantly re-creating the Wx::Pen
either. Since it’s created once, and your using the same colour, and size
for the Pen, there’s no reason to be re-creating it for each and every line
you draw.