that’s exactly what I am searching for!
Thanks, it’s very helpful!
I suggest your article should be available on the official Radiant homepage.
Hi Joon,
Thanks for your email and your positive comment on the blog.
John/ Sean: How should I go about including this article on the official
Radiant wiki? Do I just create a user account and add it to the wiki?
I’d be glad to put it there, so that it’s useful to more people other
than me
John/ Sean: How should I go about including this article on the official
Radiant wiki? Do I just create a user account and add it to the wiki?
I’d be glad to put it there, so that it’s useful to more people other
than me
Hey, that would be great. To register on the dev site, just go to:
Thank you for your email. I just have a couple of questions - should I
be logging in to this wiki (trac) or the (even more) recently announced
Junebug wiki to add the ‘Hello World’ article?
Also, would you have put this under the ‘HowTo’ or under the
6/23/2007 | 2:21 AM.
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