Q – Not sure what “wire [bitwidth+1:0] xi_ext =
{{2{xi[bitwidth-1]}},xi};” statement is doing. Is it just normal
concatenation and assignment?
Yes, we are sign-extending xi.
Now, @posedge clock, if reset is set, then x0, y0, z0 is initialized
to ‘0’. Next, when enable is set, z0 is assigned all bits except the
first two. And the first 2 bits are used for the case statement.Q – My understanding is that in this case statements, the first 2
bits are used to determine the quadrants and accordingly adjust the
quadrant (angle) for xi_ext and yi_ext by 90 or 180 or 270 or 360
degree… But I am not sure. Any comments ?
Q – I am not sure what “#(bitwidth+2,zwidth-1,0)” in this instance
definition does. My understanding is that # value is used to define
some delay.
#() is used to pass parameters to the module being instantiated.
Q – This statement checks if “z_is_pos” and does next operation
respectively. I am not sure what “xi -
{{shift+1{yi[bitwidth-1]}},yi[bitwidth-2:shift]}” is actually doing.
My understanding of cordic is that based on angle adjustments,
operations of multiples of 2 are carried out on x-axis and y-axis
variable. And {} statement are used for concatenation in verilog.
Sign extension
Again, in cordic.v
xo, yo and zo are in continuous assignment mode and are updated
everytime a x12, y12 or z12 value changes respectively.Q – Not exactly sure how the exact desired angle is obtained in
cordic.v. The algorithm that I read, made continous adjustments on
‘current angle’ so that it converged to the desired angle. I don’t see
that step happening in cordic.v
That is happening. If the angle is positive, it is reduced. If the
angle is negative, it is increased. It always gets closer to zero.