Re: How do I strip off the extra double quote or white space

Thanks for your help, Ben!

I am confused on your assert_equal method:

assert_equal a.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’), b.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’)

Is /[’"]/ will strip out the quotes when comparing?

My assert_equal method:


  1. The portion arr[0] is from the read in external file.
  2. $ie.frame(“top”).select_list(:name,“site_id”). is from the dropdown
    list application

This is the csv external file dropList.csv contain:

:: Select Site :: !!Eastgate_Mall

I think my actual problem is when reading into an array and compare, it
did not separate :: Select Site :: as one field and ::
!!Eastgate_Mall to another field for double quotes

That why the expect is <[":: Select Site ::,!!Eastgate_Mall,\n"]
( missing separate double quotes)

Instead of <[":: Select Site ::", “!!Eastgate_Mall”]>.

Thanks for your help!

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006, Ban Hoang wrote:

Thanks for your help, Ben!

I am confused on your assert_equal method:

assert_equal a.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’), b.gsub(/[’"]/, ‘’)

Is /[’"]/ will strip out the quotes when comparing?

Notice that that call to assert_equal is wrapped inside a method. So
you would call

assert_equal_without_quotes( arr[0], $ie.frame… )

I think the real problem is that you need to figure out how to parse
your file, though. You call it a csv but it’s not. My suggestion would
be to fix it so it is :slight_smile:

I think my actual problem is when reading into an array and compare, it
did not separate :: Select Site :: as one field and ::
!!Eastgate_Mall to another field for double quotes


That why the expect is <[":: Select Site ::,!!Eastgate_Mall,\n"]
( missing separate double quotes)

Not only is it missing the quotes, but it’s adding it as a single
element instead of two, as you want.

If your file looks like this:

:: Select Site :: !!Something
:: Select Site :: !!Something else

Then you’ll need to determine how to parse that. Quick, dirty, and

contents = []

File.readlines(‘yourfile’).each do |line|
line =~ /(:: .? ::)\s+(!!.?)/

label = $1
value = $2

contents << [$1, $2]

There’s probably a better regex you could use, but the bottom line is,
you need to extract the values from your file instead of just grabbing
each line.

Again, it’s probably easiest to just make it a real csv file :slight_smile:

Good luck!