Have you deployed Ruby on Rails application(s) before?
** If yes, what platform and services are you running to host it?
(Apache, FCGI, Mongrel, Pound, Nginx?)
I’m running several Rails apps with Litespeed on a Ubuntu Linux server.
Is your current deployment causing you some headaches?
Have you deployed Ruby on Rails application(s) before?
** If yes, what platform and services are you running to host it?
(Apache, FCGI, Mongrel, Pound, Nginx?)
I’m running several Rails apps with Litespeed on a Ubuntu Linux server.
Who are you?
Eric N., full time developer (mainly Java, little bit of RoR),
spare-time Rails developer for personal projects
What are you doing with Rails?
Main project is a port of a self-written PHP application that services
the bulk of the competitions for the US Collegiate Ballroom Dance
Have you deployed Ruby on Rails application(s) before?
** If yes, what platform and services are you running to host it?
(Apache, FCGI, Mongrel, Pound, Nginx?)
Recently deployed for alpha testing on FreeBSD, Apache2,
Mongrel/Mongrel_cluster. Two virtual servers(on different boxes) —
one web/app, one database.
Is your current deployment causing you some headaches?
** If yes, share some of your story… and if it’s long enough, post a
new message to the list and go into detail. Perhaps some of us can help
point you in a better direction.
Two rather minor problems/annoyances
I’m in a FreeBSD Jail, and I haven’t found a good way to block direct
access to the mongrel processes running on the high numbered ports.
Apparently the or localhost doesn’t completely exists in the
Jail so mongrel can’t use it to restrict access. And apparently
firewall level blocking would affect other clients on the physical
While I have root level access to the virtual server, I’ve been
running running cap as a non-privileged user and adding entries to the
sudoer file as needed. Initially I only had to add the command for
controlling the mongrel_cluster; however cap cleanup wants to run “sudo
rm -rf [directorylist]” which I’m not really comfortable adding “rm -rf”
to the sudoer file as a cap bug could cause quite a bit of damage. I’ve
looked over all the files/directories it wants to delete and the
non-privileged user is the owner so I can’t tell why cap wants to run
this command as root anyways, but I can’t find out how to disable a sudo
call within cap for a single use without turning :user_sudo to false for
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.