Re: Once again - Multiuser typo

Hi Patrik

<I’m not sure if the current typo supports multi user blogs using
<subdomains or not.

As you can seen on the WishList ist on the RoadMap for a future -
release 4.0+ - :

As it is not implement at this moment you are alsoe able to write a
UserStory ( if the current
issue ( is not exact enough.



Thanks a lot Toby.
This is exactly what I was looking for.

I don’t want to spark a whole new debate on adding support for multi
blog in core typo, but I personally feel it’d be better to do it
outside the box, as very very few ppl will be interested in that, and
it’ll probably just bloat the typo.

Just a thought.


On 5/24/06, Tobias R. [email protected] wrote:



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Pratik wrote:

I don’t want to spark a whole new debate on adding support for multi
blog in core typo, but I personally feel it’d be better to do it
outside the box, as very very few ppl will be interested in that, and
it’ll probably just bloat the typo.

I agree with this. You can easily set up multiple blogs using OS/web
host functionality, so why build it into typo at this early stage, when
there’s so much more important stuff to do?

e.g. OpenID support, authentication for regular commenters, …
