Does it have to be run with setuid?
Normally the main reason for running a webserver as a sudoer is because
root is needed for to use of a privileged port like ‘80’?
If it is only a test server perhaps you could run from 8080?
Does it have to be run with setuid?
Normally the main reason for running a webserver as a sudoer is because
root is needed for to use of a privileged port like ‘80’?
If it is only a test server perhaps you could run from 8080?
Hi !
2006/4/19, Luke H. [email protected]:
Does it have to be run with setuid?
svnserve itself uses port 3690. But, supervise, the process that
spawns svnserve, runs as root. That is why I need to sudo to the
right user.
Thanks to you and Eric !
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