Based on my experience with Dreamhost, you should still use the rails
command then upload only selected portions of the directory from your
local machine. There are things in the Dreamhost directory structure
that should not be overwritten, like the dispatch.fcgi, etc. I usually
upload the entire app dir, db dir, and everything in public aside from
diaptch.*. Hope that helps.
Nathan L. wrote:
Based on my experience with Dreamhost, you should still use the rails
command then upload only selected portions of the directory from your
local machine.
So i would run the rails command through ssh on the dreamhost machine
AND run the rails command on my computer; but then upload my files in
those three directories when they change? What about the generage
script for models and controllers? I’m assuming that when those get ran
they dont make any changes to the dispatch files, right? so i should
just be able to upload the app directory when i create a new model or
controller on my machine without running the generate script on the
dreamhost machine?
I’m sorry if this sounds too detailed, i just want to be sure.
Thanks again for the reply!