Re: selectbox issues

Ok I’m working on a select statement right now but, I’m having issues
rendering certain aspects

Here is the code from my view:

%label#disabled_area{:onclick => “$(‘disabled_button’).hide();
$(!=0).disable(); $(‘submit’).show();”}

= select :video, :comedy_type, {“Select A Comedy Category” => “”,
“Stand-Up Comedy” => “1”, “Sketch Comedy” => “2”}

%input{:type => “image”, :id => “disabled_button”, :alt => “Submit your
video!”, :src =>
:disabled =>

%input{:type => “image”, :id => “submit”, :alt => “Submit your video!”,
=> “/images/#{current_contest.short_name}/bt-complete_upload-up.gif”,
=> “display: none;”}

Here is the problems:

  1. Select A Comedy Category will not show as the first option

  2. I need to either disable or show a button dependent on selecting an
    That is becoming problematic as well.

Any ideas are definitely appreciated