Ok, tried that, no notice printed out. What is a good value for
http://wiki.codemongers.com/NginxMainModule#worker_processes talks about
these settings.
proxy_connect_timeout 90;
proxy_send_timeout 90;
proxy_read_timeout 90;
Are these reasonable?
Depends on what is normal for your app. IMO these are WAY to high for
defaults. It means that nginx will wait 1.5 minutes(!) for a downed
server to respond before moving to your other box. You should also look
at max_fails and fail_timeout.
Yup, just trying to figure out what exactly it is that we need! We’ve
hit the front page of digg before, though not as big last time.
To me it seems nginx did its job. Glad you solved the FDs with ulimit -n
that is the only obvious thing that jumps out at me on the nginx side. I
highly suspect an application bottleneck from what you describe, such as
a slow db or something.
Thanks for the help!
My pleasure. I am just a few weeks into nginx and this list so it feels
good to help out and be in a position to start giving back. HTH.
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