Read text field value in controller

Hi, i’m newbie with rails

i’m try to pass the value of a text_field to the controller without a
submit all form.

this is the html.erb code

<% j = rel_issue.journals.find(:last, !:notes.nil?) unless j.nil? if j.notes.nil? %>
              <p><%= text_field :testo, %></p>

            <% else %>


  <%if rel_issue.status && !rel_issue.status.is_closed?%>

   <%= link_to_remote(image_tag('link_break.png'),
        {:url => {:controller => 'deda_roadmap', :action => 'evade',

:id =>, :project => @project}},
:submit => ‘testo_’, :method =>
:post,:title => l(:label_evasion)) %>

        <% end %>

and this the controller code:

def evade
issue= Issue.find_by_id(params[:id])
parametro = “testo_”
testo_nota = params[parametro]
if !testo_nota.nil?

testo_nota is nil in controller and i don’t know why.

thanks for help.

On 16 August 2012 09:22, Paolo B. [email protected] wrote:

        if j.notes.nil? %>

:post,:title => l(:label_evasion)) %>
def evade
issue= Issue.find_by_id(params[:id])
parametro = “testo_”
testo_nota = params[parametro]
if !testo_nota.nil?

testo_nota is nil in controller and i don’t know why.

Have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging, it will show you
techniques that you can use to debug the code and work out where it is
going wrong.
