Hi Folks,
I am very new to rails, please help me in redbox plugin, that i can able
to work with redbox and i can access a single page output., but i need
to refresh that page for different action. e.g., i have a link in redbox
page, i need to open that in same redbox div area.
My code is:
render :update do |element|
element.show ‘show’
element.remove ‘first’, ‘close’
<%=link_to_redbox(‘Send Invites’, ‘log’, {:complete => ‘log’, :loading
=> visual_effect(:highlight, ‘log’)})%>
this is working for one time open and close for redbox, i have a
“link_to” in redbox page, i need to open that in same area and need to
come back for the original area, please anybody can help me to sort out
this problem…
Thanx in advance,
Muralimaran K…