RedCloth 3.290 gems

Continuing our pre-release of the RedCloth 4 gems.

gem install RedCloth --source

Oh and my trouble with Gem::Platform::CURRENT is due to my
cross-compilation on Linux. I need to force Gem::Platform::WIN32 so
that the gem will actually work after it’s built. I build the gem
on Linux, so the “x86-linux” platform is used and when I index the
gem repository, it throws an error.

So, am I okay to just change the windows gem spec like so?


Glad to know why WIN32 is necessary. With WIN32, the rake aborts for

$ rake
rake aborted!
WIN32 has been removed, use CURRENT instead
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

$ gem -v

So, what can we do that works with both? I know next to nothing
about it.