Redcloth executable removed from gem?


I have the RedCloth 4.x gem installed on a new machine. I used to
use the redcloth command line tool/executable ocassionally. Can anyone
clarify if it’s still part of the RedCloth 4.x gem series? Thanks.

PS: I checked the sources. And the executable source resides in bin
[1]. However, checking the Rakefile that generates the gem package I
can’t find any spec.executables = [ ‘redcloth’ ] entry or similar [2].


It should still be there. The Rakefile requires echoe, which takes
care of specifying the executables.

~/Documents/redcloth(master) $ gem specification pkg/
RedCloth-4.1.0.gem | grep -A1 executables

  • redcloth


It should still be there. The Rakefile requires echoe, which takes care of
specifying the executables.

~/Documents/redcloth(master) $ gem specification pkg/RedCloth-4.1.0.gem |
grep -A1 executables

  • redcloth

Thanks for clarifying and thanks for the gem spec tip to check up on
the spec used for the installation.

I installed the latest version, that is, 4.1.0 and the executable is
now included again. It was missing in 4.0.3 (e.g. the spec says:
executables: [] ).

Thanks again for the clarification. Cheers.