I am using a drag tag <%= drop_receiving_element%> tag to invoke an
action. At the end of this action i want to perform a reload of the
page. I thought this could be don e by a redirect_to, but that is not
the case. It opens the complete page, but within the div dags where i do
the dragging. of course, i can define other divs but i need a complete
refresh. is this possible?
You can do something like this…
<%= drop_receiving_element “drop_div_id”,
:update => “change_div_id”, :url => { :action => “action_”
:accept => “accept_div_id”, :hoverclass => ‘hover’,
:loading => “Element.show(‘spinner_id’)”,
:complete => “Element.hide(‘spinner_id’); new
Effect.Highlight(‘change_div_id’);return false;” %>