Redirection Windows shell out to variable

i want to execute Windows shell commands in my script so that the result
came back in a variable and the new window of a Windows command line
(MS-DOS-session) didn’t open.
i write:

and i see out of ‘dir’ in window of command line, but i need to get it
into local variable.
And another question:
every time when rubyscript was run command line window is opening, even
if i compile script by exerb. Is it possible to hide window or run
script/rubyexefile without command line window and how if yes?

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:28 PM, born in USSR [email protected] wrote:

And another question:
every time when rubyscript was run command line window is opening, even
if i compile script by exerb. Is it possible to hide window or run
script/rubyexefile without command line window and how if yes?

Run it with rubyw.exe, instead of ruby.exe.

You can use the backtick (or backquote) operator ` which is ASCII


a = dir

which will give you a string with the stdout of the executed shell. Not
I would recommend using it with dir mind you. :slight_smile: