Referring to a Java Class type from Ruby

I’m working on a game in libgdx, a Java library, and one of the methods
requires a reference to the type of Java class being passed.

In Java, the method is:

public T get (String name, Class type) {


And the call was:

craftWindow.setStyle(skin.get(“craftWindow”, WindowStyle.class));

How can I do this call in JRuby? When I pass the same string and then
WindowStyle.class it says:

no get with arguments matching [class org.jruby.
RubyString, class org.jruby.RubyClass] on object

I’ve imported it with:

java_import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Window::WindowStyle

I’m not sure about that line either. Thanks for any help.



Im not sure what the library is looking for here, but this may do the

Thanks, that seems to do the trick. I didn’t even need it on the string,
just the WindowStyle class. Thanks again.